Friday, October 20, 2023

#TechForUnity Manifesto

Dear Global Tech Community,
In the wake of recent tragic events that have shaken our world, we, the dedicated actors within the global technological ecosystem, come together to proclaim our shared mission: to champion unity, responsibility, and human progress at the heart of every innovation.

What a Wonderful World™
1. Humanity at the Core: Beyond the code and gadgets, we must remember that each product, each line of code, impacts lives. We prioritize human well-being, respecting the dignity of every individual and acknowledging the intrinsic value of every life.

2. Unifying Technology: Technology should be a tool that breaks down barriers rather than erecting them, promoting mutual understanding and connection. We commit to creating tools that bring people closer, regardless of their background, culture, or beliefs.

3. Ethics and Responsibility: Every advancement must be guided by a strong ethical compass. We recognize the profound impact our work can have and pledge to shoulder that responsibility, ensuring our innovations benefit all and protect our planet.

4. Enlightened Education: We advocate for a tech education that prepares future generations to be not just competent, but also conscious of the social, environmental, and ethical implications of technology.

5. Inclusive Collaboration: Our strength lies in the diversity of our voices. We value and actively seek contributions from everyone, irrespective of their origin, gender, age, or abilities. Together, we can reach unparalleled heights.

6. Resilience and Hope: Even in the darkest times, we are committed to finding the light of hope. With perseverance, we use technology as a beacon, illuminating the path to a brighter, more united future. In conclusion, we call upon every stakeholder in the tech ecosystem: let every click, every code, every creation reflect this commitment to unity, humanity, and a harmonious future. In the face of tragedy, let's choose hope. In the face of division, unity. In the face of indifference, responsibility. Join us.

Together, let's ensure technology serves as a bridge, not a barrier.

Parad: More than free, it is freedom
#BridgeNotBarrier #TechForGood #AIforGood


1. What A Wonderful World™
The magenta-hued world map accompanying our manifesto is more than just an artistic representation; it embodies our core message. By inverting the cardinal directions, we challenge convention and encourage viewers to perceive the world from diverse perspectives. The vibrant magenta symbolizes universal love and unity, reminding us that in our interconnected world, every action reverberates across boundaries. This image invites us to reconsider our roles, urging us to weave the threads of technology, empathy, and unity into a tapestry of positive change. Just as our manifesto propels the tech community towards unity and progress, this illustration reinforces that technology, when harnessed correctly, can paint a 'Wonderful World' for us all.

2. Parad: More than free, it is freedom
Introducing Parad - our bold endeavor that stands at the cusp of an economic revolution, poised to reshape society towards a sustainable and inclusive future.

Nacym Baghli
Cofounder & CEO, Parad Inc.
October 21, 2023

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Human Quest Behind Parad's Vision

"I have only a finite number of thinking cycles and hours in a day":
The Human Quest Behind Parad's Vision
[Texte en Français plus bas]

Me at 12, Algiers
Reading Elon Musk's words, "I have only a finite number of thinking cycles and hours in a day." in the biography by Walter Isaacson, resonated profoundly with me. This phrase embodies not just the voyage and sacrifices but also the fiery determination of an entrepreneur. As the founder of Parad, my path has been far from linear, punctuated by lessons from architecture, a deep-rooted passion for technology, and multiple entrepreneurial ventures.

1. Foundation in Architecture
I grew up in the shadow of my father's blueprints and inspiration, absorbing the essence of design and structure. Being an architect like him was an unspoken bond we shared. Architecture isn't merely about buildings; it's about envisioning spaces, understanding how different elements connect, and the beauty that emerges from such connections. This foundation has greatly influenced my approach to business and technology.

2. The Sinclair ZX Spectrum: The Spark of a Lifelong Affection
My tryst with technology began when I was 12. The memory of pestering my parents tirelessly until they gifted me my first computer, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, is still vivid. That machine wasn't just a piece of hardware; it was the doorway to a world I had never imagined.

3. Divergence and Confluence
My ZX Spectrum buyed in 1985
Despite passing my baccalaureate at 15 and being young and eager, I yearned to dive headfirst into a computer school. However, destiny had other plans, steering me into varied professions and entrepreneurial adventures. Yet, the allure of technology was ever-present, a silent beckoner.

4. Parad: The Culmination
After dabbling in multiple ventures, the siren call of tech was too loud to ignore. Parad emerged from the amalgamation of my architectural insight, my undying love for technology, and my entrepreneurial spirit. It represents a mission: to redesign the ad world just as an architect would reimagine a space.

5. The Power of Community: Parad, a Collective Endeavor
This isn't merely "my" project. Parad is the embodiment of the aspirations of every individual who believes in its transformative potential. Your feedback, passion, and expectations are the cornerstone of our journey.

In Closing
As we stand on the cusp of unveiling Parad, there's excitement, anxiety, but above all, hope. Elon Musk's words are not just a reflection but a testament to the essence of every fleeting moment. With humility, I invite you to join this revolution. Let's jointly usher in a new era of the "tech & advertising" equation marked by respect, genuineness, and innovation.

Nacym Baghli
Cofounder & CEO, Parad


Parad logo, 2023

"Je n'ai qu'un nombre fini de cycles de réflexion et d'heures dans la journée" : La quête humaine derrière la vision de Parad

En lisant les mots d'Elon Musk, "Je n'ai qu'un nombre fini de cycles de réflexion et d'heures dans la journée.", dans la biographie écrite par Walter Isaacson, une corde sensible en moi a vibré. Cette phrase incarne non seulement le voyage et les sacrifices, mais aussi la détermination ardente d'un entrepreneur. En tant que fondateur de Parad, mon chemin a été tout sauf linéaire, ponctué de leçons tirées de l'architecture, d'une passion profonde pour la technologie, et de multiples aventures entrepreneuriales.

1. Fondations en Architecture
J'ai grandi à l'ombre des plans et de l'inspiration de mon père, absorbant l'essence de la conception et de la structure. Devenir architecte comme lui était un lien tacite que nous partagions. L'architecture ne concerne pas seulement les bâtiments ; elle concerne la vision des espaces, la compréhension de la manière dont différents éléments se connectent, et la beauté qui émerge de ces connexions. Ces bases ont grandement influencé mon approche des affaires et de la technologie.

2. Le Sinclair ZX Spectrum : L'étincelle d'un amour éternel
Parad - More than free, it is freedom
Ma rencontre avec la technologie a commencé à l'âge de 12 ans. Le souvenir de harceler sans cesse mes parents jusqu'à ce qu'ils m'offrent mon premier ordinateur, le Sinclair ZX Spectrum, est encore vif dans ma mémoire. Cette machine n'était pas seulement un morceau de matériel ; elle était la porte d'entrée vers un monde que je n'avais jamais imaginé.

3. Divergence et Confluence
Malgré l'obtention de mon baccalauréat à 15 ans, jeune et impatient, je brûlais d'envie de plonger tête la première dans une école d'informatique. Cependant, le destin avait d'autres plans, me guidant vers diverses professions et aventures entrepreneuriales. Mais, l'attrait de la technologie était toujours présent, un appel silencieux.

4. Parad : La Culmination
Après avoir trempé mes pieds dans de multiples entreprises, l'appel de la tech était trop fort pour être ignoré. Parad est né de la fusion de mon sens architectural, de mon amour indéfectible pour la technologie et de mon esprit entrepreneurial. Il représente une mission : redessiner le monde de la publicité tout comme un architecte réinventerait un espace.

5. La force de la communauté : Parad, un effort collectif
Ce n'est pas simplement "mon" projet. Parad est l'incarnation des aspirations de chaque individu qui croit en son potentiel transformateur. Vos retours, votre passion et vos attentes sont la pierre angulaire de notre voyage.

Me at 50, Algiers
En conclusion
Alors que nous sommes sur le point de dévoiler Parad, il y a de l'excitation, de l'anxiété, mais surtout, de l'espoir. Les mots d'Elon Musk ne sont pas seulement une réflexion, mais un témoignage de l'essence de chaque instant éphémère. Avec humilité, je vous invite à rejoindre cette révolution. Ensemble, inaugurons une nouvelle ère de l'équation "tech & publicité" marquée par le respect, l'authenticité et l'innovation.

Nacym Baghli
Cofounder & CEO, Parad

#TechForUnity Manifesto

Dear Global Tech Community, In the wake of recent tragic events that have shaken our world, we, the dedicated actors within the global techn...